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Berryman dominates in the mud at Fox Valley Off Road GP


5-21-2022 Fox Valley Off Road Gran Prix

Photos by 451 photography

Story by Kenzie

Photo, RO and Ryan Moss battled the whole moto. Moss's 125 was signing all morning. 

May be an image of 2 people, dirt bike, motorcycle and outdoorsRight at 150 riders where here to embrace the weather which is the kick off story for 2022. Most all events, this event weekend would be no different.  After about 2 years of excellent weather conditions on weekends it looks like we are going to pay the piper this season.  Today would this would be the sub story to this Saturdays event.  Normally FVOR doesn't run the GP in the rain, and hadn't much since the invention of this race program in 2011.  But with all the riders already here, and ready to go, the Ward's simply didn't want to disappoint them by not following through.  So at 10am riders meeting was quick and practice was under way.  The schedule was adjusted in hopes of drying out the course so when the kids took after the track it would have dried and developed some good lines.  Good intentions sometimes doesn't pan out........ What was done was moto 2 was swapped with moto 4 to attain that condition, and as the classes kicked off it was working, then the rains came in.  Moto 4 was a steady rain and moto 5 for the old timers was a wash out.  The rain continued to hammer and the event scored on the first motos.  Water was running down the hills, and driveways. Making it almost impossible to climb which was needed to complete a lap.  BUT lets not forget there was some good racing going on up til that storm hit! 

Elijah Berryman was the man to beat today, he was running A class and also Open class but had some competition as Tj NeesMay be an image of 1 person, dirt bike, motorcycle and outdoors(10) joined the muddy fun and kept him honest all day long. A class seen Berryman ride strong and finish with the win and Tj was in striking distance but couldn't make up the ground in the 5 lap race and took 2nd. Thor Rick who has been Hill Climbing lately snuck out and lined up with a pretty uneventful 3rd as he gapped the rest of the class and had a sizeable deficit between him and 2nd. 

Transponders would have been a great assest for todays race, but this two moto format hasn't been done with that system yet so in time that will change. Riders were good to call out their numbers and for the most part the side numbers were still visable.

Ayden White (88)May be an image of motorcycle and outdoors did a great job today with his Kx and B class, Bryce Olson was steady and kept the young pup in check while Regan Doerr took his Husky to the last podium spot and got a littl muddy but in the end rode a good moto as the weather deterioated. 

Many honorable mentions on this day, Alli Kocher won the womens class with Taylor Longstreth making the trek over to IL to take 2nd with Nicci Balzer filling the last podium spot.

Justin Kelly from Kelly mx school dabbled a bit with a 30A win, and Bryce Olson took the win in 30+ B. Ryan Quas on his trusty Honda finished 1st in 30C class.

Gary Rohr took the first place in 60+ class which was run for the first time since the series started, Frank Licastro kept his yamaha upright the whole moto for second.  Steve Creagan well he camped out under the finish line tree for a lap or two opting to stay cleaner and not end up with much soil samples.

Dan Kickbusch, Mark Spizzirri, and Kevin Lee all rode very well in the 50B/c class finishing in their order typed here, with Spizz and Lee catching up toe Kickbusch at the barrels. One more lap was that thought as they were getting comfortable with the course in the driving rain.

Don't forget fathers day weekend will be here soon, gas prices are moving as fast at the rain did this day so buddy up and head out!  IT's the way it used to be I am told.  Come out for two days of racing in one trip!  Not to mention two types of racing as well. I hear this weekend is traditionally "hill day'!  See ya there!